小倉教会は1880年(明治13年)に赤間関教会の牧師であった服部章蔵によって伝道が始められた,歴史がある教会です。 18 91年(明治24年)に教会が建設され、日本基督教会鎮西中会に所属しました。 1945年(昭和20年)に日本基督教団に合同しましたが,1952年(昭和27年)に教団から離脱して、日本キリスト教会に加入しました。 私たちの教会は神の言葉を重んじてそれに聴き従おうとした宗教改革の精神に立つプロテスタント教会の一つで、聖書の信仰に基づく正統的なキリスト教会です。 エホバの証人・統一原理教会・モルモン教会などとは全く関係ありま せん。 |
Kokura Church in japan
Welcome to our church!
~ historical and very peaceful ~
Brief History and Introduction
On June 12, 1880, Mr Shozo Hattori, pastor of Akagamaseki Church
(now called Shimonoseki Church)
stared preaching Christianity in Kokura
That was the very beginning of our Church
In 1931, a church building was constructed.
Sixty-eight years later,in 1999, a new building was erected
at the presento sito and it exists to this day.
Our church has a good location
It is only 2 minutes on foot from JR KOKURA Station.
You can't miss it!
There are 10 beautiful stained glass panels
on both sides of the chapel
They express various scenes from the Bible.
We are a Protestant Church and we belong to
the "Christ Church in Japan"
and Its denomination is Presbyterian.
Morning service beging at 10:30 a.m.every Sunday.
We don't have an English service, However,
it will be our great pleasure
if we can worship God together.
Let us share God's blessing with you.
His love and mercy are everywhere.
*Our church is not related to the Jehovah's Witnesses,
the Unification Church, and the Mormon Church.
1945년(쇼와2년)에 일본기독교 단에합동했지만,1952년(쇼와27년)에교단에서이탈 해일본그리스도교회에 가입했습니다.우리
교회는하나님의 말씀을 존중하고그것을듣고따르려한종교개혁의정신에서개신교의하나로,성경의믿음에근거한정통교회입니다.
여호와의 증인통일원리교회·몰몬교회등과는전혀 관계가없습니다.